Thursday, August 02, 2007

Getting back to blogging

The Acropolis at nightSorry its been so long since my last post... a family trip to Europe, a very busy real estate year, a move myself, and a son's graduation here in Charlotte's kept me away. But I return with new confidence and determination to write thoughtful posts here about the many great things happening here in Charlotte--or occasionally from... Greece perhaps? The Acropolis at night was breathtaking.

I'll be introducing several new categories or threads here. I'll be blogging on the important communities and developments in and around Charlotte. At last count we were the 9th largest new home market in the US and we have all the national builders here, plus some excellent regional ones as well. Over time we'll look at the various developments, builders and communities with an eye towards helping you find a happy home for yourself. It's corny and a cliche all in one, but happiness is what we are all looking for- and for most of us we find that in community with one another. (Uni-bomber and other terrorists excluded!)

I'll also be blogging about fun things to do in the greater Charlotte area. Just today I went white water rafting at the U.S. National Whitewater Center here in Charlotte. You may have seen it on the Discovery Channel last week , but it's a man made wonder, just 15 minutes from Uptown Charlotte. I got a 2 hour work out, got dunked in the 80 degree drinking water, and all in all had a great time with my family. What a great addition to the Charlotte area.

I'll also be occasionally posting about local politics here. We need to invest in our future, we need more schools, more roads and transit, and we need more political courage to move this city forward. this fall we need to pass the school bond, and keep the transit tax. It may be time to petition the County and state for a road bond to complete some needed improvements. But we are growing at between 60-80,000 people per year. We've got to build more schools and roads, just to not fall further behind!

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