Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Update on Iraq from the 82nd Airborne

Ever wonder what is really going on in Iraq? I mean what is spin? Optimistic thinking? Reality? Just what is going on...Do you? I know I do, so it was with great interest that I read of a half dozen en-listed and non-com officers who wrote a report about the Iraq they saw. If you are interested on the view from a soldier's level, check it out here, (link may be hidden by subscription NYTimes) it was published on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times Sunday. Regardless if you agree or not, it is a powerful statement of the obstacles faced by genuine American heroes. Also, in full disclosure, I have a son who is an officer in the US Navy.

I know its not our normal Charlotte stuff, but take a minute and take in their view. It could change you. We need to do the right thing. terry

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