Friday, October 05, 2007

Top Ten Reasons To Vote For Mecklenburg County School Bonds

So lets lay it out here--our schools are heavily overcrowded, and the older schools need repair, these facts are not really in dispute, most of the dispute centers on "who" should get "what" plus a few folks who would like to defund the public schools for a variety of reasons including something that happened way back in 1957. In truth we need about 1.4B in new schools to meet enrollment needs in the next five -seven years. This 516B is just the first installment. So I'd like you to see the whole picture, and get behind the larger 1.4B number.

Do you know that temporary trailers house more than 25,000 students? did you know that 20% of the "temporary classrooms" are more than 30 years old?

Each of us will have our own most important reason, but I think one or more will appeal to you. The reasons divide on two broad fronts: economics and staying true to our American ideals.
See what you think. Not registered? You must register by October 12 to vote.
Oh, and you better grab a cup of coffee, it's a long post.

Top Ten Reasons to VOTE YES NOV 6 for the School Bond

1. It is a compromise, but a fair one.
It is only the first installment towards resolving all the building needs of this large school system. Many very real needs won't be met with this bond-- so some citizens must look beyond their immediate needs, and trust that we will do the next two installments, so that those needs are met and everyone benefits. It is a new day, we have the votes, don't let them divide us.

2.Today's children are tomorrows leaders, citizens or criminals.
It is much cheaper to educate than imprison-- average annual CMS cost per student per year, $5800, Average College Tuition $10,000, average prison inmate cost $24,000 per year. It's the economics!

3. The #1 Reason business give for relocating here-a highly skilled and trained workforce.
Did you know that by 2014, 80% of all factory jobs will require post-secondary education, factory jobs! We want more business in Charlotte, we need more quality schools, note the business council and Chamber of Commerce are 100% behind these bonds. Or we could be like those Northern cities where when kids graduate there are no jobs so they move elsewhere.
It's the economics!

4. Test scores rose 13% in Superintendent Gorman's first year.
Scores rose 13% for students performing at grade level, and he recognizes it's only a start, there is still a long way to go. And there is. Still, a good Return On Investment for one year.

5. It's an investment in the city of Charlotte's future.
The most successful government program ever? The GI Bill that made college education affordable to the Greatest Generation-- Investments in Education are PROVEN, they WORK, we just need to remember our own history. Like to make the state of North Carolina great? Provide great educations for the children- that simple.

6. Pay me now or pay, me later said the old television commercial.
I said this before but it bears repeating: 1/2 of all prison inmates are high school drop outs.

7. Doesn't your child deserve the best you and (we) your community can offer?
Isn't that what parenting is about? Can you imagine any parent feels that different about their kids? Then why is it so difficult to see that everyone in this county (and country) deserves the same? Because it is expensive? Because it is hard? While buildings aren't sufficient for a great education, they are a very necessary part of the education matrix. I don't think its to much to ask, roofs that don't leak, facilities that are safe, science labs in all high schools, music and arts funding and a football stadium. No, Americans can and have overcome harder more expensive things in the past. Every child deserves a quality education, taught by good teachers. That is not too much to demand.

8.It is who we are, a nation committed to all of its citizens. Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson knew that to run a democratic republic, the public must be educated, and public education was born. This is no time to turn our back on their wise council.

9.Our children are part of the future of our nation-- and if you believe that this country is great, you have to put your money where your mouth is... and that goes to the federal level as well- a month's spending in Iraq would pay for half the new schools needed across the whole country.

10. Some say the schools are run so poorly that it's throwing good money after bad. This is just wrong- go into the schools and see for yourself. Or, "My child's graduated, or goes to private school, why do should I pay?" Because this country has been dedicated to providing public education since its inception 230 years ago. No, these arguments are selfishness disguised by thin excuses, the real attitude? "I've got mine, who cares about everybody else?" These are not the values that have made this country great, and thankfully they are not close to a majority view here either, just a loud minority.

Only those who think this city's best days are behind her, don't want to invest in Charlotte's future. I believe Charlotte and North Carolina's best days are in the future. And by all means lets keep them accountable, keep them looking for ways to cut costs and be more efficient. Keep the pressure on, but these are capital investments and require the cheapest financing available- give them the funds and tools to do the job. As for me, I'll happily stand with Franklin and Jefferson in the commitment to public education- it is absolute necessity to a functioning democracy.

And as we teach our children the ideals of our founders, we find ourselves recommitting to those same principles ... something else of value.

Let's defeat this BIG Time, 2 or 3 to 1.

VOTE FOR CHARLOTTE'S FUTURE. Vote For The School Bond November 6. Vote FOR the land acquisition. Vote AGAINST transit repeal.

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